September Rally Stockbridge


It was a hell of a “craik”

The excuse for the “craik” was to celebrate 50 years of marriage. Any couple that survives the vicissitudes of half a century of married life deserves a good party and there was one for Ian and Maureen at the Stockbridge rally, a site that was visited by the club many moons ago.
The 15 members present crowded into the new shelter to enjoy bubbly and cakes on the September Saturday afternoon. Sparkling wine – thanks to Ian and a cake with a montage of photos in icing, including the wedding day photo and a recent photo (spot the difference) plus a message to Mo and Ian congratulating them.
The shelter came into its own as the aptly named Fairview Farm had a fantastic view to the North East, which is just where the wind was blowing from. But members could fit snugly around the walls like so many North American Indians at a pow-wow in a tepee.
The idea of a barbeque was side-lined. No one was hungry. Now roll on Ian and Mo’s diamond wedding. However, it will not be at Fairview Farm, the farmer is plowing up the field!


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Thanks go to Steve Webb for supplying photos and report for this rally.

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