It came down to a playoff for the prestigious skittles WCCC Tow Ball Trophy. Phyllis, Christine and Derek all tied with equal scores playing at the Southwick Park Naval Recreation Centre alley on Saturday 10th February.
Carelessly, Christine and Derek both knocked down some skittles with their pitches, but Phyllis skillfully slotted her three balls between the skittles to maintain her score at a minimum, so winning the Tow Ball trophy.
Secretary Steve pitched a very flukey 9 to win the mens and Tina played consistently well to win the ladies, both carrying off a bottle of wine. Credit was due to Luke and Lewis for putting those skittles back each time one of the 27 players knocked them over.
As always the good, but cheap beer was much enjoyed as the were suppers, with chips – more chips, and yet more chips!
It was a swan song for out going Secretary Lyn and Chairman Cyril who had organised the match. Members voted for another evening next year and a chance for Phyllis to retain the trophy.